

How does it work?

Simply sign-up and submit a content request. Our algorithms then match this to the best writer in our network based on your input criteria. Track submissions using our dashboard. Once the job is completed, you’re notified.

What if I don’t like the quality? Do you have a refund policy?

We offer a no questions asked money-back guarantee on your first job provided it’s less than 1,000 words.

What sort of copy do you write?

We’ve got writers that specialize in a variety of content forms including but not limited to the following:
1) Articles
2) Audio Transcription
3) Blog Posts
4) eBooks
5) Forum Responses
6) Product Descriptions
7) Press Releases
8) Sales Copy
9) Social Posts (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter)
10) Web Copy
11) White Papers
12) Email Campaigns/Newsletters
13) And many more...

Can I have revisions made?

For completed jobs we also offer unlimited revisions to help ensure you’re incorporating the necessary tweaks on a completed job.

Whats the turnaround time for each job request?

Typically a 1,000 word job takes 3 days to turn around.

Can I cancel anytime? Is there a contract?

Cancel anytime. No long-term contracts.

Are your writers native english speakers?

Our writers are all native English speakers and are based in the following regions depending on which English dialect you choose for your job: United States; Canada; Australia; United Kingdom.

If I sign-up for the monthly plan? Do my words carry over each month?

Yes. Any unused words will be added to your next billing period's monthly quota.

How do source your writers and maintain the quality?

All our writers have previous experience writing for leading publications. Moreover, they go through a careful interview process before being invited to join our platform. While on our platform, their work is rated to ensure quality is maintained.

How are you rates low while maintaining high calibre writers?

Our writers are paid competitive rates. They are not paid the low rates you might see in other content services out there. However, we do tap into a more efficient market as most writers spend 30% of their freelance time marketing their skills to attract new clients. By joining us, we take care of that piece and allow them to focus on what they do best and love - writing. As a result, they join us for lower than market rates you might find on platforms such as Upwork.

Do I own the content?

Yes, you fully own any completed job that's delivered to you. Do note, any job delivered after which you’ve requested a refund - this job will be void and owned solely by Copydue Inc.

Any additional questions, you may contact us using the information below or shoot us a message on live-chat.


Take your content to the next level

First request risk-free